APA Convention 2021 Virtual
National data on third party payer group therapy reimbursement and utilization: Presentation at APA Convention August 12-14, 2021
Presenters: Martyn Whittingham, Ph.D., Pete Mallow, Ph.D., Cheri Marmarosh, Ph.D and Michael Scherer, Ph.D.
This presentation is a first look at the previously unseen patterns of third party payment for group therapy. It will explore a data set from FAIR Health (who collect data from over 150 million patients) that assesses patterns of utilization and reimbursement for psychological codes. The presentation will compare group therapy utilization and reimbursement to individual and other therapy codes, while also exploring the impact of setting (where do different therapies take place?) and patterns of emergency department use. Snapshots of single year use will be contrasted with multi-year patterns of data related to emergency department visits by those with mental health, substance abuse and dual diagnosis designations.
We will have a discussion / office hour on August 13th, from 1-2pm. However, the presentation can be viewed and downloaded once the convention begins. If attending the office hours, it is recommended that the presentation be viewed first.
To register for the convention, go to the APA convention web page
USF Tampa
December 12, 2018
Presenting on FBGT at USF Counseling Center, Tampa
Stanford University Grand Rounds
November 22, 2018
Presenting on FBGT at Grand Rounds, Stanford Psychiatry
APA San Francisco
August 09, 2018
Presenting at American Psychological Association 2018 Convention on methods to prevent group dropout, alongside Cheri Marmarosh and Giorgio Tasca.
China - CIP Workshop
May 19, 2018
May 19-24. FBGT six-day workshop in Beijing China.
Florida International University
May 04, 2018
All-day workshop at Florida International University on FBGT.
AGPA Distance Learning Event
April 15, 2018
Interpersonal Theory and Group Dynamics - AGPA Distance Learning
AGPA Houston
February 26, 2018
AGPA National Convention (see www.agpa.org) is taking place February 26th to March 3 in Houston. I will be giving an FBGT workshop on Saturday as well as taking part in a panel on Thursday. The conference is a tremendous opportunity for professional growth. I look forward to seeing you there!
Illinois State University Workshop
September 22, 2017
Looking forward to giving a Focused Brief Group Therapy Workshop at Illinois State University
Singapore FBGT Workshop at Institute of Mental Health
November 27, 2017
Looking forward to giving a four day workshop at the Institute of Mental Health.
Presentation at American Psychological Association
August 04, 2017
Online international class on Psychodiagnostics and Group Therapy - School of Professional Psychology
April 14, 2017
Teaching an online class on psychodiagnostic group assessment to students with the School of Professional Psychology. Students will be attending from Singapore, China, USA and Indonesia.
Berkeley, California
November 12, 2016
Focused Brief Group Therapy: A Practice Based Evidence Approach
Atlanta Group Psychotherapy Society Fall Workshop
October 22, 2016
APA National Convention Denver
August 04, 2016
American Psychological Association National Cnvention 2016
Barriers to Group Psychotherapy for African-American, Latino/a and White University Students
Whittingham, Suri Harris and Stoyell
Yalom Institute / China Institute of Psychology
November 24, 2015
Focused Brief Group Therapy